La situation des entreprises publiques sénégalaises est plus alarmante que jamais. Le Document de programmation budgétaire et économique pluriannuelle (DPBEP) 2025-2027, récemment actualisé, tire la sonnette d’alarme sur la dégradation critique des capitaux propres de plusieurs sociétés nationales. Le quotidien Libération révèle des chiffres édifiants qui témoignent d’une gestion financière inquiétante, mettant en lumière les défis structurels auxquels font face des piliers économiques du pays. Des sociétés aux capitaux négatifs abyssaux En tête de liste des sociétés les plus fragiles, la Société nationale de recouvrement (SNR) affiche des capitaux propres vertigineusement négatifs, estimés à -86,7 milliards de francs CFA au 31 décembre 2023. Ce gouffre financier contraste dramatiquement avec son capital social initial de seulement 25 millions de francs CFA. Cette situation laisse entrevoir un besoin urgent de réformes pour redre...
This article highlights the dire financial situation of several public enterprises in Senegal.
The main conceptual idea is that these once-vital entities are facing a severe crisis characterized by dwindling capital and mounting debts.
The article cites several examples, including the Société nationale de recouvrement (SNR), SOGEPA, and SN La Poste, all facing negative capital reserves exceeding their initial capital contributions. This signifies a systemic problem within these companies and raises concerns about their ability to function effectively.
The article concludes by emphasizing that the lack of financial sustainability threatens the viability of these public enterprises, impacting crucial services and the overall Senegalese economy.
This article highlights the dire financial situation of several public enterprises in Senegal. The main conceptual idea is that these once-vital entities are facing a severe crisis characterized by dwindling capital and mounting debts. The article cites several examples, including the Société nationale de recouvrement (SNR), SOGEPA, and SN La Poste, all facing negative capital reserves exceeding their initial capital contributions. This signifies a systemic problem within these companies and raises concerns about their ability to function effectively. The article concludes by emphasizing that the lack of financial sustainability threatens the viability of these public enterprises, impacting crucial services and the overall Senegalese economy.